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Heavenooo Ltd. is a 100% Ghanaian family owned enterprise made of high spirited, like minded Ghanaians, their constituents and global expert advisors who strive to fulfill our purpose of supporting the building of a new and better Ghana.
The key to our approach is sustainability and how each effort can support another, creating a “Circular” economy.
Our first contributions to the cause will be in the Health/Public Safety, Recycling, and Energy sectors. Our plan is to introduce and deliver new technologies to Ghana that will serve everyone well. Serving not only by the benefits our improvements provide, but also in the many jobs we will create.

Heavenooo’s mission, as is it’s name, is to be uplifting to everyone within it’s reach, assisting in leading us all to a better tomorrow by supporting the industrialization of Ghana through a diverse collection of sustainable opportunities dynamically supporting one another.